Diane Kopperl looking to the right.


I’m Diane.

I am a Principal Design Engineer located in sunny Oakland, CA.

25 years of design & engineering leadership rooted in the nuance of being human.


Value Time

Each and every person interacting with your product has a limited amount of time in their life. DO NOT WASTE IT. Not even a second.

Each year, 50 million people interact with something I made. If I wasted 5 seconds of their collective time, that is 9.6 years of human life that is gone. So I don't do that.

Build for Real Life

Create for the trembling hand, not just the steady one. Anticipate the user's worst day, not their best. Remember, even those on the happy path can suddenly fall off a cliff.

Ask yourself: Could a sleep-deprived parent use this at 3 AM? If not, fix it.

Know thyself

Doing a job that involves creating things requires practice and process. Figure out how to find problems, know when to change, create something from nothing. Find out how you get those ah-ha sparks. Grow your toolbox – find your favorites.

Design in Code

Design with code, not just mockups. Static designs fail to capture the interactive nature of a site in the browser. Building working prototypes reveals true usability and technical constraints.

Draw First

Get a pencil.